DigiTil@aol.com said:
<i>&gt; Beacuse:</i>
<i>&gt; - most users of online services are young,hip, and have money to spend; and</i>
<i>&gt; that will remain so for a couple of years.</i>
I'm not convinced of any of this, especially, if you try to assume at least
any two of these four together...
<i>&gt; - so we are hoping that we are able to figure out a way to sell the folks</i>
<i>&gt; stuff they wouldn't buy otherwise (maybe). At least the fact that the I'net</i>
As opposed to figuring out what said stuff is? I'm really confused.
Are you basically saying you think the net represents a large field of
goobers whose money is waited to be parted from them for unnecessary
goods, services and cheap plastic merchandise?
<i>&gt; is so hip makes it a *must* for everybody who is keen on every dernier cri.</i>
I think you've been smoking too much of last week's herring. This
reads like it was stolen from the .sig of somebody who writes for the New
Yorker, but I don't have a clue what you really mean.
<i>&gt; And which "marketeer" (oh, I love this word) isn't?</i>
Those of us happy to sell people stuff they know they want through
methods they're already willing to use?
Synchronoinclastafundabilityishly yrs,
Daniel "Don't crush that grandfalloon, hand me the fnord pliers" Dern
Daniel Dern (ddern@world.std.com) Internet analyst, writer, pundit &amp; curmudgeon
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=&gt; Click {HERE} to send me a digital nickel&lt;a href="local://~/.wallet"&gt;Yum!&lt;/a&gt;
(617) 969-7947 FAX: (617) 969-7949 Snail: PO Box 309 Newton Centre MA 02159
Author, The Internet Guide For New Users (McGraw-Hill, 1993) - info &amp; stuff at
URL=<a href="<a href="gopher://gopher.dern.com:2200">gopher://gopher.dern.com:2200</a>">gopher://gopher.dern.com:2200</a> and (under const.) <a href="<a href="http://www.dern.com:2205">http://www.dern.com:2205</a>">http://www.dern.com:2205</a>
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