Bots and crawlers ((
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 14:02:15 -0700

Hi gang,
Listen, from a marketing stand point I am trying to understand how search
bots (worms, crawlers, spiders etc.) search webpages.
I have discovered many people are like myself and don't know these answers.
For now lets just call this type of marketing "cloaking". Named after those
sneaky old Klingons 'cause you never knew if they were there.
I thought search bots only scan for links and keywords in the descriptions I
submit to places like yahoo or infoseek. What I am realizing is that
searches may also scan for links and keywords in the html, possibly just in
the title or header. Heck I don't really know or understand bots anyhow.
But from a marketing stand point if you understand where the little buggers
search for their information you can plant your "signs" accordingly and
better manipulate your chances for exposure.
So how 'bout it, anyone out there able to explain, educate or point me in
the right direction?
I will post a FYI on the results of this query as it all comes together.
Thanks in advance.

btw It is great sharing information with you as opposed to someone thinking
if they give up tips they lose something. This idea of mailing lists and
newsgroups and communication will sustain the Internet thru all its coming
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