Need bank to clear credit cards
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 13:51:51 -0700
Our company has been searching for a bank to clear credit card transactions
which take place over the internet. So far, not one of the banks we do
business with, or any other local branch office, wants to get involved with
this. They're unfamiliar with the internet and feel that it's too risky. If
members of this group know of banks that do clear credit card transactions
which take place over the internet, I would appreciate the names of those
banks. Further, any additional information about this would be greatly
appreciated. E-Mail me at Or please post to the message
board. After seeing how hesitant the banks are to get involved with this, I'm
sure this is a problem affecting many companies. This is the last hurdle to
our commencing business on the net. And it's one that took us by surprise.
Thank you,
Charles Kaplan
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