Netscape will eat itself (Was Re: Netscape will win it all)
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 08:49:36 -0700

At 8:17 PM 10/1/95, Matthew James Marnell wrote:
<i>>Next, Netscape isn't playing nice with your local ISP's where most people</i>
<i>>go to for their access to the Web. ISP's aren't happy about this (lisencing</i>
<i>>terms, can't point at us, can't distribute on disk, have to buy at least</i>
<i>>1,000 copies to legally redistribute).</i>

I don't quite understand how Netscape could enforce "can't point at us." As
long as it's clearly labelled, it seems impossible to restrict. The nature
of the beast is to point at things, and they wouldn't seem to have any
legal precedents to point to in this kind of matter.

Glenn Fleishman

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