Re: Netscape will win it all ((
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 08:22:45 -0700

One of the several problems Netscape faces is security. The discipline
required to really implement net-security is at odds with Netscape's
freewheeling style. While I applaud the notion of having sites commit to a
single standard, the race has hardly begun.

Bet hedging as a design style results in mediocre implementation. In that
sense, aligning with Netscape is smart. But, I hope that you are advising
your clients that Netscape's dominance is still a short term phenomenon.

Design bet hedging is an attempt to control out-year costs in a world that
is liable to turn upside down in a matter of months.

That's why it's important to envision web businesses as ENTERPRISES, not
implementations of HTML. The critical question is "What business are you
in?", not what browser do you support. The browser decision is an adaptive
question based on the first.

John R. Sumser
Internet Business Network (IBN)
fax: 415.383.8676

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