US West et al
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 07:42:41 -0800

US West recently announced their !INTERACT suite of Internet services. These
include Internet connectivity, electronic commerce solutions (Web page
development and hosting, firewall security, etc) and enterprise business
solutions based upon Lotus Notes.

Most major telecoms (AT&T, MCI, Pac Bell, Ameritech, NYNEX, US West, GTE, TCI)
are now rolling these services out and it will be interesting to see what
it has upon the current cast of ISPs, Web site businesses, and commercial
services. It's worthwhile noting that Microsoft, one of US West's partners in
!INTERACT, is supplying NT (and only NT). Netscape is the chosen Web client
(a common theme).

For more information click over to


J. Cameron


James Cameron Internet Training, Seminars & Consultation
Internos, Inc
Seattle, WA "The Lawyer on the Internet: Becoming an Effective User"
ph 206.789.4831 December 6, 1995 The Washington State Convention & Trade Center

This week's sponsors:

GEN - The Global Entrepreneurs Network (R) - &amp;lt;a href="&lt;a href="<a href=""></a>"&gt;;/a&gt;"&amp;gt;;lt;/a&amp;gt;

4th WWW User Survey &amp;amp;lt;&amp;lt;a href="&lt;a href="<a href=""></a>"&gt;;/a&gt;"&amp;gt;;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;gt;

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