<i>&gt;I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this latest futile attempt to hold</i>
back an inevitable trend. There is bound to be some degree of
Internationalisation of culture as the world shrinks&lt;
Have you ever been to France? I don't mean Paris, or the tourist hot spots.
I mean the real France, the countryside of France. I've been lucky enough to
both spend years living in France, and traveling throughout that wonderful
country. And you know why it's such a special place? Because it ain't the USA.
WIRED magazine seems to take perverse delight in feeding America's long-time
distaste for the French by painting them as bizarre, doomed protectionists
of French culture. And this attitude seems to be spreading. Brother, all I
can say is I hope to God they succeed.
Chris Dickman
Kazak Communications, Inc.
Editor in Chief of The CorelDRAW Journal
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