Conducting Surveys

turbo@Nashville.Net ((turbo@Nashville.Net))
Fri, 5 Jan 1996 08:05:35 -0800

After reading the Digest for many months, I now need some help in
determining the acceptability of a survey concept. I currently have a
niche-market web site catering to automotive enthusisasts. A prospective
client wants us to conduct an on-line survey of visitors. Here's the
1. A *large* prize is offered, via drawing, for those participating.
2. The survey results *will* be used for commercial purposes; direct mail,
sell the list, etc.
3. Participants will clearly be told the nature and commercial use of the
survey and they will acknowledge their agreement.

My question is this - is this all proper ettiquette if clearly defined. I
know all the rules about not using names and e-mail addresses of those
registering at a site. I do not want to get flamed right off the internet,
after we've barely begun. I'd appreciate any input.

Johnnie Burroughs

Johnnie Burroughs turbo@Nashville.Net
Mixed Media Marketing (615) 269-6282

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