<i>&gt;"The old paradigm - a systen if mass production, mass media and mass</i>
<i>&gt;marketing - is being replaced by a totally new paradigm: a 1:1 economic</i>
<i>&gt;The 1:1 future will be characterised by customised production,</i>
<i>&gt;individually addressable media and 1:1 marketing. Instead of</i>
<i>&gt;market share, the goal of most business competition will</i>
<i>&gt;be share of customer - one customer at a time.</i>
An old "Trout &amp; Reis Position Marketer," I read Pepper's book about a
year ago and thought it really took marketing theory and practice into a
new direction. It has influenced my thinking a lot. And, I've been able
to begin to use those thoughts in real life client situations.
Over the past year, I have been formalizing my own approach (I call it
Demand Marketing) and hope to release some articles on that subject
during this coming year.
Demand Marketing is based on the axiom that "demand precedes supply."
With this basic assumption as the basis for all marketing activity, the
marketing task is, therefore, to identify the presence of demand and
design all marketing activities toward that vacume.
In otherwords, you only present your product to people that already want
to buy it.
It is at this point that the principles of "one to one" begin to find
their natural place.
However, this approach places a large burden on research, both primary
and secondary. I work with my clients to develop an strategy, we employ
the appropriate research professionals and they "get the goods" on the
demand for our product. We eliminate all that are not prepared to buy.
As you can see this approach has a broad effect on ideas about media
selection, creative development and follow-up. The development of
strategic alliances is an important element as are the emerging
relationship (one to one) marketing approaches.
------------- Hey! I've got an idea!--------------
Ed F. Paxton &lt;epaxton@infi.net&gt;
Advertising &amp; Marketing Specialist
202 North 32nd Street, Richmond, VA USA 23223-7512
Phone 800-761-9059 or FAX 804-226-6458
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