How to moderate Web sites in our index

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Tue, 6 Feb 1996 07:55:55 -0800

We are assembling a number of exclusively Australian Web sites into an
index. We currently have over 1000 and add over 100 a week. Not many by
world standards but we are probably one of the biggest such sites in Oz.
See us at &amp;lt;a href="&lt;a href="<a href=""></a>"&gt;;/a&gt;"&amp;gt;;lt;/a&amp;gt;

As you might expect, these sites vary in "quality". We propose to use
several independent reviewers to evaluate these sites. Each site may have
several reviewers look at it. This will be an on-going system of reviews to
take into account any changes at the site. We will publish their evaluations
along with the listing as a guide to surfers on whether the site is worth a

I am thinking to use a 3 level (say bronze, silver, gold) ranking on each of
three criteria; content, presentation and speed.

To avoid over-dominance of some sites, rigging of scores, and to keep them
up to date I propose to flush the scores each (say) month and start the
review cycle again.

I would appreciate critical feedback on this approach and any suggestions on
alternative criteria etc.

Many thanks for any input.
Scott Williams | &amp;lt;a href="&lt;a href="<a href=""></a>"&gt;;/a&gt;"&amp;gt;;lt;/a&amp;gt;
Managing Director |
Cowley Online | PO Box 341 Armidale 2350
AUSTRALIA | Ph: +61 67 71 4014 Fax: 067 71 2610
**** The Front Door to the Australian Web *************

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