While the above makes sense, it's only part of the equation -- and the
second part at that. Having a ready audience for a client certainly raises
the possibility that he or she will make a sale in the first place. It's
the same reason that a spot in the local modern mall costs substantially
more than a spot in a strip mall out on the farm-to-market road. One word:
While the models for web marketing remain to be defined and probably won't
gel anytime soon, at least one issue appears clear: To generate *return*
traffic, you've got to provide users with something that's valuable --
information, a free download, something cool. And return traffic, though
not *the* key, certainly is important to building name recognition and to
encouraging actual click-throughs. I don't know about you, but I usually
don't click on a banner/link until I've seen it a few times and get
curious. That's a major reason why companies buy banner/links on
high-traffic sites (such as Yahoo!, Lycos, etc.): Otherwise, their
high-dollar sites might never be seen.
In all fairness, I should note that Leah is a competitor here in South
Texas and a fine designer to boot. However, I believe that just looking
good isn't going to cut it if you look the same every day for months.
Putting up the web page is easy. I can teach anyone HTML in a day. It's
getting someone to actually *look* at a page that's the hard part.
Of course, these views are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of
my employer.
Vaughn Hagerty
Caller-Times Interactive || &lt;a href="<a href="<a href="http://www.caller.com">http://www.caller.com</a>">http://www.caller.com</a>"&gt;http://www.caller.com&lt;/a&gt;
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