Re[2]: Marketing vs. Retail Sales ((
Fri, 2 Feb 1996 08:20:06 -0800

<i>> Besides, I think this trend will be much stronger in large urban</i>
<i>> settlements then in smaller towns. The driving force is *convenience*.</i>
<i>> People living in those places, who are busy working, rushing, fighting the</i>
<i>> traffic to make a buck will jump on the electronic commerce bandwagon.</i>
<i>> Women who work will be glad to submit their weekly shopping lists to some</i>
<i>> electronic supermarket (maybe we will see the comeback of smaller grocery</i>
<i>> stores) and have the stuff home delivered, mainly if they trust it for</i>
<i>> quality and price. Actually pricing practices will also have to change</i>
<i>> because one will be able to electronically find out (very quickly) the best</i>
<i>> bargains and order from those places.</i>

I think that you are contradicting yourself on this point. If the
consumer will be able to find the lowest price on an item (or list of
items) quickly it will act as a detriment to the smaller vendors.
Price is often a sticking point for the consumer and if they can get a break
they will take it. This means that large chains with lots of purchasing power
will have a big edge over the little guy. I too find this sad, but small
shops can stay alive if they get out of the mainstream goods (bread, milk,
cereals, common meats, etc) and into more specialized goods. But, in a lot
of ways this has been the way things have been going for the last n years
anyways, so why an I ranting?

- Don
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